Faculty photo
Ron Stewart, Ph.D.
Chair and Professor Cassety Hall 145Office: (716) 878-6436
Email: stewarr@buffalostate.edu
Ron Stewart's profile
Kaitlin M. Burns
Administrative Assistant 1 Cassety Hall 146Office: (716) 878-5411
Email: burnskm@buffalostate.edu
Joseph P. Cleary, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Cassety Hall 142Office: (716) 878-5411
Email: clearyjp@buffalostate.edu
Joseph P. Cleary's profile
Joyce A. Joyce, Ph.D.
Lecturer Cassety Hall 129Office: (716) 878-3542
Email: joyceja@buffalostate.edu
Joyce A. Joyce's profile
Luke J. Krieg, Ph.D.
Professor Cassety Hall 131Office: (716) 878-5411
Email: kriegej@buffalostate.edu
Luke J. Krieg's profile
Staci Newmahr, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Cassety Hall 137Office: (716) 878-6431
Email: newmahsd@buffalostate.edu
Staci Newmahr's profile
Allen C. Shelton, Ph.D.
Professor Cassety Hall 135Office: (716) 878-6437
Email: sheltoac@buffalostate.edu
Allen C. Shelton's profile
Richard K. Strahan, Ph.D.
Lecturer Cassety Hall 129Office: (716) 878-3542
Email: strahark@buffalostate.edu

Amitra Wall
Professor of Sociology and Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs Cleveland Hall 519Phone: 716-878-3838
Email: hodgeaa@buffalostate.edu
Amitra Wall's profile
Thomas S. Weinberg, Ph.D.
Professor Cassety Hall 144Office: (716) 878-6213
Email: weinbets@buffalostate.edu
Thomas S. Weinberg's profile
Jie Zhang, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor Cassety Hall 133Office: (716) 878-6425
Email: zhangj@buffalostate.edu
Jie Zhang's profile